
Hank Woodard, Great Migration, and Student Protests

的来信 伯洛伊特学院杂志 读者.


Joe Davis'10 gets ready to announce a night game in the Dodger Stadium broadcasting booth last Ju... Thank you for the article on “首席” (Professor Emeritus of Geology Hank Woodard). 两年了, he not only allowed this biology major the opportunity to learn about rocks, 矿物质, 土地形态, but also set the example of great teaching, which I tried to emulate with my students at Coker College. 伍达德医生的影响, 麦卡利斯特, 套件, and Kunny personifies my 贝洛伊特 education and continues to impact my life.



I was pleased to read about the college’s new initiative to study the Great Migration and its roots in the founding of 贝洛伊特’s African-American community. 这很令人惊讶, 虽然, that there is no mention of the earlier oral history/photodocumentary project, 用同样的关注点, undertaken in 1976 by historian Clement Imhoff and myself (with partial sponsorship of 十大菠菜台子).

The entire archive of first-person oral history accounts and collected photographs are deposited (and digitized) at the 贝洛伊特 Public Library as well as in the archives of the Wisconsin Historical Society (Madison). Surely this existing collection would go a long way to enlarging upon and providing a foundation to the good work currently underway.



We regret having missed an alumni connection between a contemporary public history course about the Great Migration of African Americans to 贝洛伊特, 还有一个相关的, but much earlier local history project. (See letter from 刘易斯71年科赫 above.)

Fairbanks foundry workers, circa 1925. The 贝洛伊特 company manufactured engines and other products...

事实上, in our fall 2019 story “Coming North,” we published a 1925 photograph of workers at 贝洛伊特’s Fairbanks Morse foundry. While this photo came to us by way of the 贝洛伊特 Public Library, it in fact turns out to be one of many photos and stories 刘易斯71年科赫 and Clement Imhoff collected in collaboration with the 贝洛伊特 community during an oral history and photo documentary project 43 years ago, part of the country’s bicentennial celebration.


I was on campus when Erik Prince was invited to speak. I do not agree with the tactics the students used, but I find it unfortunate that only three letters against what happened were submitted to this magazine. I feel like I should provide a different view. We should take the opportunity to hear why that relatively small number of students took the action that they did.

Often the method of protest becomes the story. An example from my personal experience: We organized a large protest (over 2,000 participated) about the conditions at the 首页land Security detention center in Aurora, 科罗拉多州., and the separation and mistreatment of immigrant children. Some people other than the organizers came and took down flags. 这就是故事.

The media never asked why they took down the flags. My guess from having known some of these people is that they have been fighting for changes to our immigration laws for 20 years with no success while living their daily lives in fear. 同意与否, the media lost the real story and did not investigate why they chose to protest in the way they did or the message the rally provided.

回到埃里克·普林斯. Some students told me they objected to having him on campus because Blackwater was a private mercenary company accused of killing unarmed civilians in Iraq and was banned from doing business in that country. Additionally, his company deals in weapons outside of the U.S.通过系统. It is important to listen to everyone.



电子邮件 belmag@zhenhuihy.com with letters and comments about what you’ve read in 伯洛伊特学院杂志. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.


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